Annual rice consumption

Each pot represents a specific country and its size indicates the exact amount of rice eaten by one person annually. The people of Bangladesh, for instance, are most dependent on rice: they consume 172.62 kg a year. In a further reflection on diversity, I mixed the clay with uncooked local rice varieties that burn away in the kiln to mark the works with their distinct, poetic traces.

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The Measure of Rice
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the measure
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the countries
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2 liters of water are needed to produce 1 gram of rice = 50 grains

During the lock-down

3.8 kg is the average annual rice consumption in the Netherlands. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, three and a half times more rice was purchased in the third week of the lock-down in March 2020. You can tell exactly how much that is from the difference between these two objects.

For NL 3.8 kg I used quick-cooked rice as a decoration material.
